Saturday, January 3, 2009

Starting Off on the Right Foot (Even if it is sore)

It's been a productive weekend on the running/get healthy/lose weight/get strong for Chicago '09 starting line front:

  • I developed a Half Marathon training schedule for Mike and me, based on Hal Higdon's novice plan. The first Half Marathon in Chicago is in early June, so I stretched the schedule out to get a good base going.
  • Ran 2 miles on Friday, took Saturday off when some familiar foot pain crept up (Are you effin' kidding me?) and ran 3 miles today (plus some upper body strength training). Mike has not run yet due to a conveniently-timed head cold. Of course, he hasn't signed up for the Half either, but I think I'm close to convincing him.
  • Bought Bob Harper's new book and armed with Bob's food list, bought some of this, this and some other good-for-you things I don't feel like looking up links for. :)
  • Bought a food diary to record every morsel that goes in my mouth.
  • Taped two horrendous photos of me (no, I won't be posting those) from Christmas into the inside of my food diary, as well as this photo of the swimsuit I'll be wearing (and not embarrassingly so) during our June vacation.
  • Oh yes, committed to myself and everyone that I talk to that I'm going to lose 40 by the Fourth, or 40 pounds by July 4th. Even posted a handy little tally on the right. Mike asked if I really want to "go public" with the 40 pound goal on my blog but the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, right? For my family and friends who've said that there's no way I need to lose 40 pounds . . .well first, Bless You! and rest assured I'm not turning into an Olsen twin. Forty pounds is still well within a healthy BMI for me.
  • Meeting with a nutrionist later this month.
  • Have three more sessions with my personal trainer.
  • Weighing in for our next round of the Biggest Loser contest at work on Monday. (the first one didn't work so well, at least for me.)
  • Taking my latest obsession with The Biggest Loser one step further and signing up friends and family for an email, honor system version of the Biggest Loser contest. (Yes, I will have two Biggest Loser contests going at once. . . .accountability is key for me.) Thank you Cheryl, Lori and Dad for signing up! Want to join? Let me know if the comments section by Wednesday (1/7) and I'll email you the info.

You're probably thinking, obsess much? I know I tend to go all out on these, but for me, if I'm going to stick to anything I need to completely immerse myself or I tend to lose focus.

I'm looking forward to arriving at the Chicago '09 start line much lighter than I am now!

*For the male readers that came back to my blog without getting distracted by the Victoria's Secret link, thank you!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Race on the Calendar

Congratulations! You are entered to run in the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K on Sunday, March 29, 2009.