Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Race on the Calendar

Congratulations! You are entered to run in the Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle 8K on Sunday, March 29, 2009.


Anonymous said...

Jenn, awesome that you signed up for that race. And that pic of Chicago is BEAUTIFUL! I like the new blog background!

Karin said...

Nice background! Who cares if the pic is too big. Its a really good pic. And congrats on the Shamrock Shuffle. I think I'm leaving for vacation that weekend, so I won't be running it this year :(

Unknown said...

I will be at that race too! I know it will be fun.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my. You have more energy than I could possibly imagine being able to summon. I'll have to keep up with your blog and lose weight vicariously through you! Thanks for your kind words on my first blog post.

Russ Foster said...

Jenn -- really now, your third/first marathon? Pretty soon the firth/third band is going to call you for copyright infringement!

Did you run the Shamrock Shuffle? What a day! I'm almost done with my write-up. Should be posted soon to:

Take care. -r